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Over-dimensional trucking involves moving very large or heavy items that don’t fit on a regular truck. Because it’s a bit different from regular trucking, it uses special words and equipment that can be confusing. Let’s break down some of these terms and ideas to make it simpler!
Loading and Unloading When moving big items, the way they’re loaded (put on the truck) and unloaded (taken off the truck) is important. Here are a few terms that help explain it: Dunnage and Blocking: These are materials used to keep the item steady on the truck, so it doesn’t move around during the trip. Sometimes it’s wood or other strong materials placed under or around the item, also needed for lift (forklift or crane) access. Dimensions and Measurements It’s essential to know the exact dimensions (size) of whatever is being transported. This includes length, width, height and weight—basically, how big the object is in all directions. For example, if you’re shipping a big tank, you need to know its size with all parts included, like any legs, vents, or other parts sticking out. This helps choose the right trailer, the correct quotation and permitting. Another key note; although you can ship multiple pieces with oversized loads, pieces cannot be put together that make a load oversize or overweight, this is called a 'divisible load'. A good rule of thumb, if it takes more than 8 hours to dismantle a load it should be able to go as 1 piece. Choosing the Right Trailer The type of trailer depends on what kind of item is being moved. Here are a few examples: Machine or Wheeled Vehicle: If it’s something with wheels or tracks, like a forklift or heavy equipment, it might need to be driven onto the trailer (removeable gooseneck, aka an rgn). But if it’s too heavy or has low ground clearance, this could be tricky and may need to be crane loaded (pushing or pulling an item on or off is not recommended as it can damage the commodity or trailer, but may be arranged under special circumstances). Footprint: This is a term for the amount of space the item takes up on the trailer. Some trailers have different levels, like a stepdeck or double-drop trailer, where part of the trailer is lower than the rest. Knowing how much space an item uses on each part of the trailer helps decide the best trailer for the job. Permits and Escorts Some states require special permits (and provisions) for large items, while others may also require escorts—other vehicles that drive in front or back to keep the load and traffic safe. Even an extra inch in size can change what permits or escorts are needed, so careful measuring is key! Larger loads can require route surveys, police and utility vehicles and personnel. Communication is Key The most important thing is clear communication. The driver needs to know exactly what’s being transported and all its special needs. This makes sure the load is moved safely and without any problems. By understanding these terms and thinking ahead about the loads size and needs, everyone involved can work together to safely move over-dimensional loads!
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Free Versions of Memoirs of a Runaway!3/30/2023 Memoirs was published 15 years ago and the paperback version is still available at online retailers worldwide, I can also send you an autographed copy if you order on, BUT, you can now read the book for free! ~ Download the original pdf version below or click on this link to listen to the audio book and please email me your review! Enjoy the journey !! ![]()
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Runaway Statistics and Resources3/28/2023 Disclaimer! This 'Runaway Resource Guide' was created in 2008 so some of the information may no longer be accurate.
With an alarming number of runaways, of which I was one of the lucky ones, there are several resources and aids available to them. I have never met a runaway (including myself) that has not suffered and will not suffer later due to many factors of living on their own. Not only will their chances of survival be compromised but so will their moral obligations, health and self worth. As I encourage relying on His word, we must do our part in order to live an abundant life. According to and, one in seven kids between the ages of 10 and 18 will run away at some point. And there are 1 million to 3 million runaway and homeless kids living on the streets in the United States. Motivations for running away 47% of runaway / homeless youth indicated that conflict between them and their parent or guardian was a major problem. Over 50% of youth in shelters and on the streets reported that their parents either told them to leave or knew they were leaving but did not care. 80% of runaway and homeless girls reported having ever been sexually or physically abused. 34% of runaway youth (girls and boys) reported sexual abuse before leaving home and forty-three percent of runaway youth (girls and boys) reported physical abuse before leaving home. Childhood abuse increases youths' risk for later victimization on the street. Physical abuse is associated with elevated risk of assaults for runaway and homeless youth, while sexual abuse is associated with higher risk of rape for runaway and homeless youth. Risk factors associated with running away Over 70% of runaway and throwaway youth in 2002 were estimated to be endangered, based on 17 indicators of harm or potential risk. The most common endangerment component was physical or sexual abuse at home or fear of abuse upon return. The second most common endangerment component was the youth’s substance dependency. 12% of runaway and homeless youth spent at least one night outside, in a park, on the street, under a bridge or overhang, or on a rooftop. 7% of youth in runaway and homeless youth shelters and 14% of youth on the street had traded sex for money, food, shelter, or drugs in the last twelve months when surveyed in 1995. 32% of runaway and homeless youth have attempted suicide at some point in their lives. Approximately 48.2% of youth living on the street and 33.2% of youth living in a shelter reported having ever been pregnant. 50% of homeless youth age 16 or older reported having dropped out of school, having been expelled, or having been suspended. Demographics of runaways Runaway youth are 50% male and 50% female, although females are more likely to seek help through shelters and hotlines. 40% of youth in shelters and on the street have come from families that received public assistance or lived in publicly assisted housing. * As indicated to shelter staff at a federally funded runaway or homeless shelter The following resources, such as phone numbers, web sites, and organizations were the result and are only in accordance to a search done on the world wide web and may or may not be accessible today. Other permanent solutions, such as talking to a bible based church pastor or associate, government, municipal or local agency may exist. Call 1-800-RUNAWAY Contact number 786-317-8774 TOLL FREE / INTERNATIONAL "Just Say No" International - Drug & Alcohol Help800-258-2766 (24 hrs) Other Listings by Country (TeenAdvice Online) Click Here - scroll to bottom of page for numbers Crisis Centers Near You (Web Listings) Click Here - to find listings in your area CANADA Kid's Help Phone1-800-668-6868 (24 hrs) AIDS/Sexually Transmitted Diseases Info1-800-772-2437 End Abuse - Domestic Assault Line1-800-END-ABUSE (24 hrs) Zenith Child Abuse Reporting & HelpDial the Operator and ask for "Zenith 1234" (24 hrs) USA Eating Disorders Help Line1-800-382-2832 (24 hrs) Domestic Abuse/Assault1-800-333-SAFE (24 hrs) Teen AIDS Line800-234-TEEN (Mon-Fri) 800-440-TEEN (weekends) National AIDS Line1- 800-342-AIDS National Teen Gay & Lesbian Hotline1-800-347-TEEN (Thurs.-Sun., 7 pm-11:45 pm ET) Family/Children's Mental Health Hot Line1-800-654-1247 (24 hrs) National STD Hotline800-227-8922 (24 hrs) Child help USA - Child Abuse Reporting1-800/4-A-CHILD (24 hrs) Family Violence Help Line1-800/222-2000 (24 hrs) National Runaway Hot Line1-800-HIT-HOME (24 hrs) Runaway Help Line1-800-621-4000 (24 hrs) Covenant House Crisis Support1-800-999-9999 (24 hrs) Suicide Help Line1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) Youth Crisis Line1-800-448-4663 RAINN - Rape Support Line1-800-656-HOPE Pregnancy Support and Advice1-888-4-OPTIONS General Crisis Counselling1-800-785-8111 Whether being a parent, runaway or just a concerned citizen I implore you to seek assistance and heed the wisdom and advice of those that are aware of, accustomed to, have experience with and are in a position to help with these very unacceptable situations that we all must take responsibility for. There is not much I have not tried, but the key phrase here is 'I'; it is not about 'I'. The bible says we are a body of one and we cannot prevail without the words, help and encouragement of others. No one person can solely rely on him or herself and we must seek the love and compassion of others. For me, the key is to always remember the most important relationship we can have is with our creator, our true Father. Remembering what He founded, created and sacrificed for us. He is our ultimate reason for being, love and survival. I truly believe the more I listen to His word, what the bible teaches, and realize I am truly a child of God, the hardships in my past, the obstacles in my present, and the troubles in my future are now becoming marvelous, distant memories and are only making me a stronger more capable human being. Of which I pray for each and every soul.
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On Sue’s 40th birthday I asked her what she wanted. Her only request was tickets for a Cubs’ game. That sounded great, as I am also a fan. Distractions and becoming preoccupied seemed to consume me each day. I was trying to confront issues of why I was finding it impossible to move on. I was getting tired of glorifying my past and telling people the story of my life. I was still avoiding the issues that kept me from being my best. Around Memorial Day, two weeks before Sue’s birthday, I still had not gotten the tickets. I tucked my tail between my legs, went up to her and again asked, “So, what else do you want to do for your birthday?”
I could see the look of frustration on her face as she answered, “You waited until two weeks before the game to get tickets?” I knew I was in trouble with her and was even more aware that I was getting too comfortable in this relationship and not giving it the attention it deserved. I didn’t want to be a disappointment to someone again. Sue and I had been together for almost five years and in my history of relationships, by now I would have done something to sabotage things. But I was very happy in our relationship and I knew the time had come to deal with my mountain or God. I called some friends that might have been able to get last minute tickets to the game, but they all came up empty. Scanning through websites to see if anyone had turned in tickets in the last minute was a bust. Although not giving up, I faced up to Sue that I had blown it. I had learned to pray to God for many things so I figured that asking for Cubs tickets might seem a bit trivial, but it wasn’t just the tickets that were riding on this. First, I argued with myself trying to avoid feeling guilty. Even Sue was not that mad, just disappointed. Something in me knew that I should not give up. So I spoke to God as plainly as I’m writing this on my laptop. “Lord, I know that I am not doing my best right now. I know that I just think about myself all the time. It’s just a defense mechanism when I say that I’ve had such a hard time in my life that I don’t know how to give to others anymore. I want to think of others and be able to give more, but I just don’t know how to tear down this wall that I’ve built up inside of me. I’m tired of asking for things for myself all the time; I want to be a giver. I promise if you get Cubs tickets for me, I’ll start to work on my past and try not to be so selfish anymore.” I had a million conversations with God by now, so I just talked to Him like He was one of my buddies. By this time in my life, I had suspicions that without God or a Guardian Angel there was no way I would have made it this far. I did not know God, I did not know I could trust God, I wasn’t even sure if I believed in God, but I knew that I was either very lucky or someone was watching over me. What I did know was that the next day was Sue’s birthday. Sitting in front of my computer on Saturday evening trying to think of what I was going to do to make up for this, I thought that maybe I would take her dancing. That would be a miracle in itself for me. Maybe a fancy restaurant would work. I went to, and I stared at the site and thought, “Wow, there are two tickets for sale, but I know this has to be wrong.” I had done this before when they say tickets are available, but you go to buy them and they’re gone already. I looked a little closer to see that they were on the third base line just five rows up from the Cub’s dugout. Even if they are real, I figured, they were going to cost at least $1,000. So I checked. Hmm, I thought. It says they’re on sale for the regular price. I knew it was just a teaser, but I figured that I would try to catch the carrot for the heck of it. I whipped out my credit card and hit the Accept button. “Congratulations on your purchase,” the website replied. “Your confirmation has been sent.” Staring at the screen, I thought to myself, “No way!” Sue and I took the train down to Wrigley Field. We left with enough time so we could arrive at least two hours early because we were so excited and because we wanted to beat the crowd. As we walked inside, a An Excerpt from Memoirs of a Runaway: A Story of Hope, by Michael Kennon man with a clipboard walked up to me and said, “Would you like to participate in a promotional deal with the Cubs?” “I’d love to,” I replied, “but this is Sue’s birthday, and this would be a thrill for her.” “That’s great,” the man said. “Well, let me explain what this is about. We’ll take you up to the actual room where we take the players to have them sign contracts and have you sign some release forms. Then we’ll pick a position for you and take you down to the field. You’ll go out onto the field and take that player’s position. Then the player will take the field, come out to you, sign a baseball for you and then you’ll come back off the field.” As I looked at him, listening intently, my gaze turned to Sue who looked like an excited 12-year-old on her 40th birthday. She looked as giddy as a schoolgirl. I took tons of pictures and even got one of her name on the scoreboard taking the catcher’s position. Later that day, Joe Girardi got the winning hit. He was the catcher that Sue got to stand with on Wrigley Field. He’s the one that signed her baseball and even thanked her for coming out when we knew that it was a miracle that we were even there. For more about this story and additional info on runaways, go to
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Memoirs Book Reviews5/14/2022 ![]() Kennon Transport specializes in moving machinery, heavy equipment, and general flatbed freight for over 46 years! Memoirs Reviews “Memoirs of a Runaway: A Story of Hope” is a tale of survival and spirituality. Isolation and reconnection. Most of all, it is a hand reaching out to those who travel down the same troubled path; a story of hope. Click on the bookcover or ‘Buy Now’ button below for an autographed copy. Republished August 2012 by Amazon’s CreateSpace (now Amazon KDP) Published by Outskirts Press March 2008 Order direct and get an autographed copy at The first books I sent out were to friends and family and to the young lady that inspired me to write ‘Memoirs…’ The reviews have been better than I expected. Several comments about the book, even from the publisher, said ‘It hooked me right from the start’ and ‘I could hardly put it down’. My daughter thought it was ‘tastefully written and truthful’ and said ‘this is a good thing you’ve done’. The book was actually available for print before I even got my 1st ‘official’ copy. The publisher said once I order my ‘author’s copies’ I ‘unequivocally’ accept this book as is for final print, so my mother and brother’s books were actually ordered and received thru Barnes and Noble and or before mine came (their reviews are below). Here’s another review… ‘This story was inspired by someone I know very closely… my daughter. She is not named, but her story is described on the back cover. My daughter just received a copy of the book yesterday with a personal inscription from the author. She’s highly impressed with the book and pleased that she has inspired someone to do something like write a book. It has made her realize how special she is to the world. I’m very thankful that she is no longer that 13 year old described. It’s been a long road. Please share this with others. It may help someone see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that it’s not a freight train.’ –With Gratitude, Stephanie If you have purchased the book from Barnes and Noble, or Amazon, please leave your review on their site, Or email your review to [email protected] (More below, after reviews!) Reviews below are mainly from customers of Barnes and Noble or… ***** Stars !! “I loved it…It HELD my interest! The ending and nearing the end of the book was especially great. I think your book will inspire many kids/adults that are runaways or having rough times in their own lives.” –Janice Lansel ***** “I’m almost done with the book. I’ve gotten to the last chapter now and i don’t want it to end ! I just really like this book and the character so much. And I read a lot of books !” –Sandra Ruemker ***** “Wow! You certainly have quite a story to share. You have been through so much. Where some people might have given up you persevered and have done so much. Your work demonstrates strong writing with a nice flow; your narrative voice is fantastic. You really have done a nice job discussing this subject. Your book is nicely put together; books like yours provide insight for many. I liked the way you chose to set up your text. It hooked me right from the start…the baseball story is truly amazing.” –Jennifer Rush ***** A Real Page Turner Ashley, an English Teacher, 04/28/2008 Oh My Goodness. This real-life experience has kept me on my toes for a couple of hours. I could not put this book down. The first couple of chapters provide the background of what was about to happen. It had a few more chapters after to reveal the decisions that Michael went through that was made in part of a fight or flight situation. This is a definite page turner. There are so many themes and life long lessons that one can learn from this novel. All you can think of, as you watch Michael go through his hard life decisions, is if he is going to get out okay. I would recommend this novel to anyone and absolutely everyone who loves to read. I especially hope that people who went through the hard times, like the author, would read this book. It’s sadly amazing to know how many runaways there are in the United States. All you can think of is ‘What brought them there?’ So, please read and learn. ***** I thoroughly enjoyed Mike’s journey in this book. A reviewer, L.Sherron, Pittsburgh, PA, 04/23/2008 It may take time, but it really makes you understand that God is in all of us. He will strengthen our hearts and give us the determination to move through this thing called life… Anyway, the book was well written and I truly enjoyed it. Good job!!!!! ***** Important Message to All A reviewer, a horse lover…., 03/27/2008 I think this book is incredible! It truly sends an important message to all families on how love & loving guidance can shape our children’s attitudes now & in their future. I think it will inspire hope in any young struggling person & make any parent realize the importance of proper loving guidance. Love is the key. When love is given to any child especially a troubled child they can truly realize their own self worth & become the successful person they are meant to be. Also recommended: Short Stories from South Beach ***** Truly a story of hope!! Sue, A reviewer, 03/24/2008 Mike has had an amazing life. And through it all he’s remained forgiving and loving! Things could have turned out much differently but I know that he was being led through the hard times so he could bring some peace to someone else. This book is great for any age. If you are going through any kind of struggle in your life, let Mike’s life give you hope too! You wont want to put this book down until you know how things turn out! You wont be disappointed in the ending! You will be encouraged and inspired !! ***** An encouraging page turner, April 2, 2008 By D. Phillips “Book Fanatic” (Norfolk,VA) This is a book that every person can relate to in one way or another, since we all face trials. This is also a book we can all LEARN from. “Memoirs of a Runaway” gives the reader the rare opportunity to experience the most intimate thoughts,feelings, and life situations of a teenager. I felt like I was on a journey with Mike, quickly flipping the pages to see what happened next. This book made me cry,laugh,smile,shake my head in amazement,and thank God for the ending. This book is a book of hope,faith,and encouragement. I commend it to anyone that is struggling on this journey of life,especially teens. We all know a teenager that is going down the wrong path…do them a favor love them unconditionally,lead by example, and buy them a copy of this book. May, 2008… A gentleman was walking into a restaurant with me who I had just previously met and had sold him a book. He said, ‘I read your book.’ ‘Oh, yea,’ I replied, ‘so, what did you think?’ ‘Well, first, my wife walked in and said ‘you’re reading?’ Cause I hardly ever read… But, I could not put it down. I read the whole thing that night. I thought it was really good.’ ***** I LOVE THIS BOOK! Hi, my name is Mark, Mike’s brother. I used to joke with Mike when he started to tell his story saying something like “here we go again” with a eye role and a smile. Not only did he have a desire to share his story but I never knew so much of what he went through. I was young and he was often gone. It was a realization for me and as hard as some of it was to hear, if this can reach/save even one person it is worth it. I like that Mike is fully open and honest. I am very proud of his courage for writing this book. It takes a chance to be so vulnerable and share that much of your life. I know Mike’s intentions for writing this book and it’s his desire to reach out and help others through his own trials and tribulations that I’m so proud of. Even if I wasn’t his brother, Mike is a man of character and integrity I would want to know. He has inspired me to think about writing a book myself. I only hope that this book will reach those in need of it. For those who feel like they are lost and need of hope. Although we all have our own unique trials and tribulations, the cure is the same and hope that Mike’s book will help lead you to that cure. ***** Book Review, May 5, 2008 By Janice “Jan” (Crystal Lake, IL) I hadn’t planned to reveal that the author of Memoirs of a Runaway, Michael Kennon is my son. As his mother it’s a challenging book to review because of my bias and it was difficult to read about all his struggles. I’m proud that he could write a book, even more appreciate his life and what he has become. His intent is to help other runaways and give them hope. I see it from a mother’s standpoint. If a parent has a basically good adolescent, and continues to forgive and not give up, she just might be rewarded with a loving. spiritual, successful, healthy, wonderful adult. It’s all in the book. ***** Author Michael Kennon’s time as a teenage runaway, and his interview with a thirteen year old girl , June 8, 2008 By Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA) What makes a child flee home and opt to live on the streets in a state of homelessness? “Memoirs of a Runaway: A Story of Hope” is a combination of two true stories, author Michael Kennon’s time as a teenage runaway, and his interview with a thirteen year old girl who has followed down a similar path filled with sex, drugs, and violence. Although downtrodden in theme, the book lives up to its subtitle and offers some hope that there is light at the end of the darkest of tunnels. “Memoirs of a Runaway: A Story of Hope” is a deftly compiled and highly recommended set of stories, a top pick for community library memoir shelves and for any who want to empathize with this tortured souls. ***** By Donny K. Author and Teacher, Retired. July 9th, 2008 Memoirs of a Runaway certainly kicked my life up north ! Sharing your personality made a difference in my life (strengthening my relationship with God). What an account of how God works in a man’s life ! During the time I read Memoirs I experienced the feeling of inspiration, at times sadness, happiness, joy, hope, but most of all LOVE. Intense as your writing is, the simplicity & truth of your expressions make a difference for those who read. **** Overcoming Struggle by ElizabethPou December 31, 2008: This is a true story about a man name Michael who had problems at home and kept running away from home. Michael was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid and was on Ritalin. He was a very hyper kid and had a lot of energy. When Michael was 10 years old his father died and it was hard for Michael to deal with losing his father. Michael’s mother eventually remarries a guy name Don. Don appears to be a nice guy and the family was happy for a while. Don begins to emotionally and physically abuse Michael. This leads to Michael getting involved with drugs, the wrong crowds and sex. Ultimately, Michael takes to the road so he doesn?t have to deal with the problems at home. The great thing is that Michael learns from his mistakes and reaches out to other runaways. This is one those books that make you wonder why bad things happen to some people. January 3rd, 2009 — Out of Darkness, Runaway Finds Hope and a New Life A lot of kids run away from home, or threaten to run away, but few encounter the wide range of adventures and misadventures experienced by Michael Kennon, author of “Memoirs of a Runaway: A Story of Hope.” Kennon ran away from home in his early teens and hitchhiked across America in search of friends, comfort, security, and love. Unsuccessful in finding lasting friends, security or acceptance, Kennon turned to drugs, alcohol and sex and found himself living a troubled existence on the dark side of life. As a youth, the author faced many harrowing experiences and escapes from death while on the road or in drug dens. Kennon had a wonderful father who died far too young. For awhile Michael and his stepfather got alone fine but then friction developed and grew to the point where physical abuse resulted. His home life deteriorated to the point where Michael reached this conclusion, “It became clear by my 13th birthday that I was never going to be loved by this man, was never going to be hugged by him, and he had no intention of bonding with me. I was beginning to feel completely inferior to Don.” Once Michael hit the road he learned how to survive by approaching churches to ask for money, food vouchers or gas vouchers and to spend nights in homeless shelters. Kennon also had a knack for latching on to strangers and living with them for periods of time, arrangements that led to heavy involvement in drugs, booze and sex. Eventually Kennon reached the end of the road and turned back to his childhood faith to seek God and be spiritually rescued. His return to God was prompted by a loving grandmother, Grandma Dolly, who always loved him unconditionally and stood by him when others appeared to have given up. Kennon found a church to attend that helped him grow in faith and put his life back together. He now owns a successful trucking company and with the help of church, wife, daughter, and friends has turned his life completely around. This is the story of hope that emerges from the dark and sometimes scary pages of “Memoirs of a Runaway.” The author summarizes his story of hope with these words, “This story is not over, it’s only beginning. I am no longer running away from something. I’m running to it. I am not lost, I am found. And with God’s will, I will continue to enjoy the life He intended for me. I now realize that it is faith that gets us through, and His grace that shows us the way. I believe God gave us free will and that whatever we run away from will only find us and become a part of us. It’s all about the journey—how to accept it and the choices we make. I truly believe that nothing is impossible with God and choose to run to Him.” By Emory Daniels January 3rd, 2009– Just finished your book. Great read! Didn’t put it down except to answer the phone once. There is a great message here for young and old alike. Jerry C. June 2nd, 2009 – GREAT BOOK! I would recommend it to anyone. Wanna good book you need to get it and read it! –Emily October 4th — Janiece–ya’ll need to get this book, awesome, read it one day! Tues, October 27th– Phyllis – ‘just finished the book. awesome. what a testimony u r to the Glory of our wonderful Jesus!!!!! Thanks for sharing I am passing it on.’ March 31st, 2010 ‘I finished the book. WOW! Mike, it’s amazing! It’s hard to believe that those things even happened to you. Anyway….very good! VERY GOOD! I gave the one book to my friend who has a daughter who is struggling. I will be sure to share my excitement about the book w/ other friends.’ –Krissy September 24th, 2010–‘Just got both books. I read Memoirs in just under 3 hours and loved it. I read most of the allergy book last night and learned alot. I will try the recipes — they look very easy and delicious. There is hope for me yet. Thanks for sharing your story.’–Amy December 30th, 2010—‘Memoirs of a RunAway is an absolute true to life account of a dreamer that I totally admire. To live out the pages of this book is truly remarkarkable and I think it qualifies as a guide to help teens and parents to cope with issues they may face..This is a book that from cover to cover was difficult to put down..Page after Page of adventures and when you think he is down and out he perseveres.. It just proves that there is a God and He really does watch over each and every one of us..’ .. Rodney Hill July 16th, 2011… ‘I really enjoyed your book. I couldn’t put it down. That was quite an adventure! Well written, too.’ –Bill July 26th, 2011… ‘I read your book without putting it down. One can feel your deep feelings and honesty. Thank you for sharing so much of your life.’ –Greg October 2011… / Review by Dorothy Cox Remembering vividly his own pain, shame and isolation as a runaway from age twelve to early adulthood, CEO Michael Kennon hopes his story will let the untold thousands of runaway children in the U.S. know that if he made it, they can too. Kennon said his recently published book, “Memoirs of a Runaway: A Story of Hope,” (, will let teens who have run away or who are contemplating it, know that there are other, better choices, available to them. For parents and other concerned adults Kennon wants his book to serve as third-party resource material on the problem of young runaways, a problem some law enforcement authorities say is approaching epidemic proportions. In addition to being a runaway himself, Kennon did months of research on runaways and found it “a very difficult statistic that 1 in 7 children between the ages of 10 and 18 will at some time attempt to run away.” He knows from experience that “it’s hard to approach a troubled teen. They’re defiant and scared.” A hyperactive and intelligent child, Kennon at age ten was profoundly affected by his father’s death. And when his mother remarried a few years later to a man with his own character defects, among them anger and violent acting out, the fireworks began. To get away from his step-dad and the physical and verbal abuse, Kennon ran away with several friends who were older. The difference was that the others returned home, but Kennon didn’t. Not for very long at a time, anyway. The book is told in a first-person narrative that moves along at a fast clip. “I wanted to tell a story,” said Kennon. “I’m not trying to convince or preach; I’m just telling my story so that they’ll [runaways] know there’s hope, that they do have a place in this world.” “Unfortunately,” he said, “some of the young people out on the road end up being raped or sexually abused by adults … [and] their abusive backgrounds make them susceptible” to abuse. Kennon learned that the hard way: he tells in the book about a trucker who gave him a ride and later made sexual advances to him. The man did back off when Kennon asked him to and eventually taught him how to drive an 18-wheeler. It was a skill that Kennon, now the CEO of a trucking company, Kennon Transport LLC, has used throughout his life. Unfortunately, he also learned about drug addiction, hunger and fear during his time as a runaway. While he was on the road Kennon said “separation from God was when I felt the lowest. I was always arguing with God; I prayed all the time, but I didn’t even know I believed in Him.” He said during that time “I was lost in drugs and not taking care of myself; it was cumulatively pushing me in God’s direction” but it also “chipped away at my sense of worthiness. I finally had an epiphany when I realized I did believe [in God]” but it wasn’t one isolated life-changing event but “more of a process.” Even when he returned home for good Kennon said he tended to run from his problems. He credits Jesus Christ with enabling him finally to change that behavior. Kennon said he eventually forgave his physically and emotionally abusive step dad. “He didn’t mean to be abusive,” he said. Kennon’s mom divorced his step dad in the mid ’80s. “We didn’t have any contact afterwards, but I made peace with him. I forgave him a long time ago; I realized he wasn’t the problem, I was. “I was hyperactive, and he wasn’t about to allow a spoiled child [rule the household]. The physical abuse went away but the emotional abuse was very damaging.” He would like runaways to know that “a strong belief [in God] and having faith can help you to find the answers and find purpose.” October 8th, 2012 — ‘Hi Mike..This is Stevie Your book was so fabulous to read..I’m hoping that I can get you to sign it. Your story is so heart warming and I’ll pray for the rest of your life to continue on a wonderful path of goodness. God bless you and your family.’ April 28th, 2014—finally just got to read your book and was very impressed with your story, and your manner of writing. It helped me to learn what living on the road was like for my step-son also. I wish that he had your faith, as I feel that it helped you to survive your ordeal. You knew the difference between right and wrong and always had God in the back of your mind, even though you were not able to accept His guidance during your defiant times. I was thrilled to read your “End Notes” because I think your mother (and father) gave you a good foundation to survive and to love. I’m so happy that you and Sue are still happy together. Marriage doesn’t just happen; you both have to work at it all of the time! …Chris December 7, 2015 Thomas 5.0 out of 5 stars 09/12/20 — I’m really not much of a reader…but I started reading your book late this afternoon and got completely captivated by it! I left off around chapter 7 when we went to supper and literally couldn’t wait to get back out to my truck to finish reading it! I found myself dreading it being over. Kept looking down at the page numbers to see how much I still had to look forward to! What a story! Full of ups and downs and hard hitting real life! It was quite encouraging, especially how even after being saved we can slip right back into old habits…so easy to let our old nature take over! I can relate!! Satan knows our weaknesses…mostly it’s our own dang self! Lol I’m glad that God watched over you thru all those years…glad that Christ came to seek and save those that are lost…His mercies endureth forever. And I’m especially glad that our sins have been nailed to the cross…“It is finished”! Dolly was one of many God used to watch over you…I bet she’s smiling down from Heaven now. — Greg 4 out of 5 stars -- This is the true story of Michael Kennon. Michael's stepfather was abusive and determined to force obedience and acceptable behavior. Running away was the only option Michael found open to him. Soon, he became an expert at hitchhiking. Making friends came easy to Michael, but the friendships never lasted long. Memoirs of a Runaway will offer insight and hope to parents and children. In this story, both Michael and his stepfather needed help. More importantly, they needed God. Kennon admits that most of his problems stemmed from his lack of faith in God. This is an amazing story and one that parents should read. Click here to order Click here to listen to an excerpt, order and download the audio version direct off the Internet–now for only $6.95 via … –OR–Click here to order the 3 CD Set thru PayPal–now for only $11.00 plus shipping !! Click here for an excerpt about how the Cubs became one of our biggest inspirations. Click here for Runaway Statistics and Resources. And, please ‘become a fan‘ of helping runaways !! Researching putting mom’s book (The Allergy Survival Guide and Cookbook) back in print. Mom wrote the book several years ago and she was one of the best in her field–and almost everything in the book is still relevant. It can help people struggling with allergies. Please email [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks.
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About the Owner5/14/2022 ![]() My name is Mike Kennon, in 1976 I was out in California hitchhiking back home to Illinois and got picked up by a truck driver, went to work for him and am still working with some of the same customers today! In 1988, I bought my first truck and started Kennon Transport until I got off the road in 1996 when I met my wife, Sue. We have dispatched from a million to multimillion dollars almost every year since and continue to be blessed and amazed! In 2008, in an attempt to help a young runaway, I decided to write a book about what I went through. Read more about the story at and Memoirs Book Reviews blog. If you order the book through Paypal, I can send a personalized autographed copy!
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Carrier List and Rates5/14/2022 Admiral Merchants Motor Freight, Inc. (662 Trucks)
215 S. 11th Street Minneapolis, MN 55403 MC-76266 Ace Doran Hauling and Rigging (*1062) 1601 Blue Rock St Cincinnati, OH 45223 *and Bennett Motor Express MC-112304 Greentree Transportation (*600) P.O. Box 293 Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1014 * MC-158998 CR Transport Inc (81) 1225 E Washington Street Joliet, IL 60433 MC-290200 DD&S Express Inc. (60) 8515 Rainswood Dr Landover, MD 20785 MC-326288 Reinsfelder Inc. (99) 108 Plunkett Drve Zelienpole, PA MC-13727 NHH SERVICES LLC (103) 701 EAST GATE DRIVE STE 110 MT LAUREL, NJ 08054 MC-818994 We are agents currently representing over 3000 owner/ operators leased to one of the carriers above. We either call the driver(s) direct or post freight with their central office. We will usually meet or beat costs of other actual trucking companies and owner operators, but not brokers or carriers brokering out their freight--we quote physical numbers with physical trucks, not phantom rates! *Below are average rates or methods of estimating costs ~*Most drivers run for what fuel cost is: So, if it's 2.49 p/gal, then 2.49 p/m (a fairly consistent method of determining what is being offered to a driver is just add 2 zeros at the end of the quote and that will determine the salary per year (based on approx 100k miles p/yr and 12% deadhead. Example; $2.50 p/m equates to a 25k per year salary...nothing extravagant!). ~Depending on lane, a safe way of figuring costs for partials (on a per mile basis) is by going 8.5 to .10 per foot, per mile. ~Another similar formula for partials is by going $100 per foot (not based on mileage).. ~Over dimensional, overweight loads are typically quoted per shipment. Here's a basic formula for od loads... approx .10 for each inch over (i.e. a legal load would typically run 2.50 p/m, 8.7" would be one inch od and .10 more and so on) plus out of route miles, permits and additionals (escorts will typically come in after 12' but vary each state). Overweight... .85 to 1.00 per axle (or just times that by the weight) plus additionals (i.e. let's say a standard flatbed truck can load 47k and shipper has a 57k piece, so that added .85 to 1.00 p/m to his/her p/m rate, plus permits--and remember, it must be one piece...any od or overweight load that can be broke down is considered a divisible load and must not be hauled on one truck). *(A loosely translated method of determining a drivers salary...) $2.00 p/m would equate to approx $20k p/yr, so when someone tells you they will do it for less, a shipper should be very leery of who/what they're getting--if they're even legal, insured or even show up !! Also, I tell people all the time 'I'm only as good as the information that's provided', meaning if the information is wrong, the rate (and possibly equipment) will probably be wrong. ~*FUEL SURCHARGE CAN VARY DEPENDENT ON LANE OR DESTINATION. Based on government findings web site @ ~Tarp Charges are $50.00 for half load/ partials - $100.00 for full load (up to 6' drop tarps) - $150 for 8' drop - o.d. loads are per shipment ~Stop offs or pick ups are $50.00 ~Detention, Layover, Truck Ordered Not Used are subject to Tariff rates set by each carrier ~Expedited or exclusive use are to be negotiated between Shipper and Kennon Transport and should also be followed by written confirmation. ~Over dimension subject to negotiation and permits. ~This document is a tentative contract between the Shipper and Kennon Transport for the purpose of scheduling and setting rates. Rates are subject to negotiation and written confirmations. ~LOCAL RUNS APPROX $650 OR WILL RATE PER SHIPMENT/ OR FIGURE $65 P/HR W/ A 10 HR MIN FOR FLAT OR STEP, $90 P/HR FOR DD W/ A 10 HR MIN. ALL O.D LOADS ARE RATE PER SHIPMENT *Terminology — expedited, dedicated and exclusive use terms can mean different things to different carriers (i.e, our definitions may be different than van carriers like UPS and so on. Expedited means guaranteed fast service. Dedicated means we have to meet time restrictions (appointments, meet a crane/crew at a certain time and so on) and exclusive use means just that…nothing else on the truck. These services are typically 10 to 30% more. THIS IS NOT A BINDING CONTRACT UNLESS SIGNED BY BOTH CARRIER AND SHIPPER. |